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Agriades aquilo - Arctic Blue

Agriades-aquilo-Arctic-blue | PTKbutterflies
Agriades-aquilo-Arctic-blue | PTKbutterflies

This was another species I really hoped to find on my visit to Northern Norway in 2018. It took some doing, but with a couple of clues as to location, I eventually tracked them down and managed some reasonable butterfly images. They struck me as being totally unlike glandon, to which they are often referred to as a subspecies of, much smaller, silvery, even using a different host foodplant, to which they stay close. 

The female has some silver "arrowheads", but has a generally pale brown upperside.  

Agriades-aquilo-Arctic-blue | PTKbutterflies
Agriades-aquilo-Arctic-blue | PTKbutterflies
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